ArthurFest 2005 at Barnsdall Park
January 25th, 2009Los Angeles, California
September 4-5, 2005
This is the full gallery to accompany the original ArthurFest 2005 at Barnsdall Park article.
Los Angeles, California
September 4-5, 2005
This is the full gallery to accompany the original ArthurFest 2005 at Barnsdall Park article.
Hollywood, California
March 13, 2005
This is the full gallery to accompany the original Slint at the Avalon article.
Los Angeles, California
February 26, 2005
This is the full gallery to accompany the original White Out and Dos at Spaceland article.
All Tomorrow’s Parties 2003 at Long Beach, California.
Ron Asheton, guitarist in proto-punk band The Stooges, passed away on January 6, 2009 at age 60. He first appeared on Earth on July 17, 1948, and ignited The Stooges with his brother Scott Asheton, Iggy Pop and Dave Alexander in 1967. They recorded three wild albums–The Stooges, Fun House and Raw Power–and went on to inspire generations of punk bands. The group broke apart like a fiery, doomed aircraft in 1974–only to miraculously rise from the dead three decades later in 2003. The reunion went so well that they recorded one more album called The Weirdness. Ron Asheton: Gone but never forgotten.
More: MySpace, Perfect Sound Forever, Wikipedia,
The Queen Mary
Long Beach, California
November 8-9, 2003
This is the full gallery to accompany the original All Tomorrow’s Parties 2003 article.
Santa Monica, California
November 14, 1999
On a brisk Fall evening, Keiji Haino played a solo percussion set on a bill with Jens Brand–whose performance was featured in a two-page spread in the second issue of Arcane Candy–and some other folks I can’t recall. Haino arranged a huge battery of percussion instruments and scraps of wood and metal across the floor and proceeded to bang, scrape and drag them around the room to create a solid half hour of clattery goodness. You can view a similar performance in the comfort of your own home via his Percussion Solo video on PSF.
Los Angeles, California
November 13, 1999
About a hundred or so people schlepped out on this night for a few opening bands at Spaceland. A small, die-hard crowd of around 50 hung around for Earth’s finest, who played last. Two or three guys even videotaped and mini-disked the event. It doesn’t take long to figure it out: Fushitsusha simply makes all other guitar music sound silly. The three members walked on stage and—after a quick nod from Haino-san—proved this by plunging straight away into the deepest ashen region of your subconscious:
Los Angeles, California
March 11, 1998
This is the full gallery to accompany the original Tony Conrad at Spaceland article.
Table of the Elements Festival No. 2: Yttrium
Chicago, Illinois
November 9, 1996
Since 1978, Tokyo’s Fushitsusha have translated spiral galaxy hub / black hole reality into electronic sound via the most immense guitar, bass and drums storms imaginable. Their guitarist Keiji Haino has established himself as the most original, intentionally sloppy, free, loose, soul-soaring and deeply felt guitarist ever. With simple, plodding bass by Yasushi Ozawa and drums by Jun Kosugi acting as a foundation, many uncharted territories of serenity and chaos, lightness and dark were explored at the Empty Bottle through a way overloaded half stack with much true abandon and freedom.
Needles and Pens
San Francisco, California
February 9-March 31, 2008
There is Xerox on the Insides of Your Eyelids is number 15 in a series of art shows called Move curated by Rich Jacobs. It explores the original wave of 1980s skate zines and Xerox art, featuring Garry Davis (Skate Fate), Tod Swank (Swank Zine), Thomas Campbell (Joke), Chris Johanson (Karmaboarder), Andy Jenkins (Bend), Bernie McGinn (Tiki), Kevin Wilkins (7 Zine), John Dettman aka John Lytle (Naughty Nomads), Mark Waters (408), Rich Jacobs (Skate Edge), Jocko Weyland (Elk, Revenge Against Boredom, author of The Answer is Never), Dennis Remsing (REM), Dan Esabrook (Contort), Tim Kerr (Big Boys), Chris Shary (Burly Obsession), Ron Cameron (Dope, Skate Slate), Mofo (Thrasher), Rodger Bridges (Grim Ripper, Powerhouse, Dancing Skeleton) and more.