Rich Jacobs – There is Xerox on the Insides of Your Eyelids
Needles and Pens
San Francisco, California
February 9-March 31, 2008
There is Xerox on the Insides of Your Eyelids is number 15 in a series of art shows called Move curated by Rich Jacobs. It explores the original wave of 1980s skate zines and Xerox art, featuring Garry Davis (Skate Fate), Tod Swank (Swank Zine), Thomas Campbell (Joke), Chris Johanson (Karmaboarder), Andy Jenkins (Bend), Bernie McGinn (Tiki), Kevin Wilkins (7 Zine), John Dettman aka John Lytle (Naughty Nomads), Mark Waters (408), Rich Jacobs (Skate Edge), Jocko Weyland (Elk, Revenge Against Boredom, author of The Answer is Never), Dennis Remsing (REM), Dan Esabrook (Contort), Tim Kerr (Big Boys), Chris Shary (Burly Obsession), Ron Cameron (Dope, Skate Slate), Mofo (Thrasher), Rodger Bridges (Grim Ripper, Powerhouse, Dancing Skeleton) and more.
A good-sized crowd from the skate and art worlds and even some random passersby converged upon Needles and Pens–a small zine, book and clothing boutique–for the opening reception. A good buzz floated in the air and everyone seemed super stoked on all of the handmade rawness from a bygone, pre-computer era. The show has since traveled throughout 2008 to the Nog Gallery in London, England on May 22; the Andenken Gallery in Denver, Colorado on September 5; PNCA in Portland, Oregon on September 30; and Printed Matter in New York, New York on November 5. It’s scheduled to visit Los Angeles, California and other cities soon, so keep an eye out.
Text and photos ©2008 Arcane Candy.
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