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    Tropical Punch Tour: Myanmar Part 13

    Monday, August 23, 2010
    Yangon, Myanmar

    Just your average muddy gutter in Yangon, Myanmar.

    The Motherland II Inn in Yangon, Myanmar.

    The girls who run the Motherland II Inn in Yangon, Myanmar.

    The air-conditioned lobby of the Motherland II Inn in Yangon, Myanmar. Please install some cushions on those chairs.

    The kids who run the cafe at the Motherland II Inn in Yangon, Myanmar.

    I arrived at the bus station in Yangon at around 6:00 a.m. and haggled with some taxi cab drivers for the 45-minute ride into town. I ended up sharing a cab with three other backpackers, so we paid $2.00 each, which is a really good deal. I finally made it to the Motherland II Inn at around 7:00 a.m., where I was lucky to get a room to myself. I crashed all day and finally awoke around 5:00 p.m. I spent the whole evening working on my Taungbyone stories and photos, a laborious process that was really bogged down by the standard molasses-slow Internet connection in Myanmar.

    Roll over photos for captions.
    All words and photos ©2010 Arcane Candy.

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