Modern Silent Cinema – The Cabinet of Modern Silent Cinema
May 14th, 2024Founded in 2004, Modern Silent Cinema is the instrumental music project of one Cullen Gallagher of Brooklyn, New York. Cullen should not be confused with the comedian Gallagher, who used to smash a watermelon with a sledgehammer as part of his act back in the ‘70s. For the present album, The Cabinet of Modern Silent Cinema, Cullen has culled (pun intended)—or perhaps even cobbled together—these pieces from “an archival mix of lo-fi experiments, micro-cassette demos and three guitar duet with Boru.” They proceed from quiet, forlorn electric guitar and bass duets to solo heavy electric guitar riffs. From bluesy workouts to distorted yet melodic songs that strongly recall the likes of Roy Montgomery.
Label: Bad Channels Records Catalog Number: BCR-008 Format: CD-R Packaging: Mini-LP gatefold Tracks: 13 Total Time: 40:51 Country: United States Released: 2024 More: Official
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