South by South America Tour – Peru Part 8
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Cuzco, Peru
An Inca wall in the back lanes of Cuzco, Peru.
Aw, hail naw, dog! It had to go and hail right when I went out for a walk in Cuzco, Peru.
A hovering sewer lid courtesy of flooded pipes during a torrential rainstorm in Cuzco, Peru.
A spot of sunshine hits a white washed wall in Cuzco, Peru.
The Palacio Nazarenas in Cuzco, Peru.
Right when I stepped outside today, the whole sky turned dark and I heard thunder grumble off in the distance. On my way over to he Hostel Kokopelli, where I was scheduled to pick up my bus ticket to Hyrdroelectrico, a torrential downpour ensued. Rather than duck for cover, I just decided to keep on truckin’. Within a minute or two, I was completely soaked from my hips down. Luckily, I was wearing my rain jacket and had moved my wallet, camera and phone into its pockets. Then I started getting pelted by small hail stones. As I walked, I just smiled, spread my arms open wide, and felt the hail hit the palms of my hands.
Layered and torn flyers on a wall in Cuzco, Peru.
The Capilla de San Antonio Abad at Plaza Nazarenas in Cuzco, Peru.
A photo op for a small fee at Plaza Nazarenas in Cuzco, Peru.
Cuzco, Peru at night as seen from the hills above San Blas.
A falafel sandwich at Green Falafel in Cuzco, Peru.
Right before I reached the Hostel Kokopelli, I ducked under a roof just to watch the storm. After I got my ticket from the travel agent inside the hostel, I continued my walk. It had rained so hard and for so long that a sewer lid in the middle of town was being lifted up by water rushing out of the pipes under the street. At one point, I had to sit down, take off my socks and wring the water out of them. A little while later, a spot of sun appeared, only to glint off of the white washed walls a while before disappearing again. Later in the evening as darkness fell, I hiked up the hill on the east side of town above the neighborhood of San Blas to get a scenic overview of the city of Cusco. Luckily, my ass didn’t get mugged.
Words and photos ©2019 Arcane Candy.
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