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    All These Colors Tour: India Part 24

    Sunday, October 7, 2012
    Varanasi, India

    A Hindu mural at Meer Ghat in Varanasi, India.

    More Hindu art at Munshi Ghat in Varanasi, India.

    Intricately carved towers at Munshi Ghat in Varanasi, India.

    I ventured out today for a short walk up the banks of the Ganges river. The touts here are pretty aggro. Their mo is to approach you with a smile, an outstretched hand and a loud, “Hello, sir!” I usually completely ignore them and circumnavigate their little charade, but for some odd reason, I caved today, shook one tout’s hand, and he literally would not let go of it. I had to jerk down my arm really hard to get my hand free. I just kept walking, and surprisingly, he didn’t follow me. That little episode put me in a foul mood for a few minutes, until I came upon the towering, majestic buildings at the top of the numerous ghats that line the river’s edge, decorated at the bottom with a myriad of colorful Hindu artwork and signs for hotels, etc. Blown away by the large scale of it all, I happily snapped away. A little bit later, I headed off into the confusion of the back lanes to find the Brown Bread Bakery, which came highly recommended by an Australian guy I talked to.

    A vibrant wall in the back lanes of Varanasi, India.

    Two friends walk the back streets of Varanasi, India.

    Another view of the colorful, squalid back lanes of Varanasi, India.

    After a bunch of false starts, some signs painted on various walls finally led me to the right location. I was a bit surprised to find that the restaurant was situated up several flights of steep stairs, and once inside, my eyeballs got treated to a dimly-lit den that looked fit for consumption of tobacco through a hookah pipe. And, indeed, that concoction was on offer. Large, square, flat pillows completely covered the floors, on which rested the tiniest tables I’ve ever seen–maybe one foot high and two feet wide. They were more like trays, really. Everything in the place was covered with colorful patterns and artwork, which emanated a very bohemian vibe. Feeling super tired from the harsh conditions outside, I kicked back under a ceiling fan and ordered a plate of veggie pasta and a baguette, which was yummy and really hit the spot.

    Roll over photos for captions.
    Words and photos ©2012 Arcane Candy.

    One response to “All These Colors Tour: India Part 24”

    1. Poison Pie says:

      My kids and I are checking out your blog each morning. It seems to us that on this tour you have enjoyed Bali the most, then Myanmar, then Thailand, then India… Sometimes it seems you are struggling to enjoy India. Well, I guess you are soaking in the culture, positive and negative. Here’s hoping some more positive experiences come your way.

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